Care4BrittleBones aims to improve the quality of life of people with Brittle Bones Disease

Conference QualityofLife4OI (Amsterdam 22-25 Nov 2019)

The Conference  provides a platform to engage about clinical practice and research for people affected by Osteogenesis Imperfecta (OI). What is the expert opinion on good clinical practice in diagnostics, clinical assessment and treatment of OI today? What do people with OI need most to have good quality of life? What research needs are currently unmet? How can the efficacy of a trial of clinical treatment be evaluated with metrics that make sense for regulatory authorities as well as people with OI? Both qualitative and quantitative aspects will be discussed in an interactive and international setting.
The Conference aims to bring together professionals and people from the OI-community:

•       clinicians of all disciplines supporting OI,
•       researchers working on OI-related projects
•       anyone from the OI-community with an interest in research beyond the personal level
•       representatives from industry supporting OI
•       other stakeholder interested in OI

It will provide an opportunity to meet, learn, network and get inspired to improve quality of life for people with OI across borders, professions and boundaries.

Interested to hear more and potentially attend? Subscribe to the Conference Newsletter here